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Class vq.models.VisData

The abstract base class for the data model of each VisQuick tool. It provides the necessary functionality to read, parse, analyze, and retain the input parameters.
Defined in: vq.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
It contains a meta-tag for the included data, as well as the data in JSON format.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Returns the JSON object used to contain the data, parameters, options, behavior functions, and other information necessary to create a visualization.
Returns an identifying string used to specify the CONTENTS.
Class Detail
It contains a meta-tag for the included data, as well as the data in JSON format.
- a JSON object
{String} data.DATATYPE
- a string describing the contents of the JSON data object
- a JSON object containing the necessary input to create the visualization
Method Detail
{JSON} getContents()
Returns the JSON object used to contain the data, parameters, options, behavior functions, and other information necessary to create a visualization.
{JSON} dataType -a JSON Object containing the necessary input to create the visualization.

{String} getDataType()
Returns an identifying string used to specify the CONTENTS. This ensures that the data is properly parsed by a visualization which may accept multiple JSON formats.
{String} dataType - a string describing the contents of the JSON object. This can be used to verify that the data is the correct format for the visualization.

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Wed Nov 23 2011 08:55:20 GMT-0800 (PST)