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Class pv.Behavior.hovercard

provides an anchor div for a target object this is "in scope" or using the mouse cursor. The anchor div's location is used to instantiate a vq.Hovercard object that provides self_hover, moveable, pin-able and tools The configuration object has the following options:

 timeout : {Number} - number of milliseconds (ms) before the box is shown. Default is 1000,
 close_timeout : {Number} - number of milliseconds (ms) the box continues to appear after 'mouseout' - Default is 0,
 param_data : {Boolean} -  If true, the object explicitly passed into the function at event (mouseover) time is used as the
         data.  If false, the data point underlying the event source (panel, dot, etc) is used.  Default is false.
 on_mark : {Boolean} - If true, the box is placed in respect to the event source mark.  If false, the box is placed in
         respect to the cursor/mouse position.  Defaults to false.

include_header : {Boolean} - Place Label/Value headers at top of box.  Defaults to true.
include_footer : {Boolean} - Place "Close" footer at bottom of box.  Defaults to false.
self_hover : {Boolean} - If true, the box will remain visible when the cursor is above it.  Creates the "hovercard" effect.
         The footer must be rendered to allow the user to close the box.  Defaults to false.
data_config : {Object} - Important!  This configures the content of the hovering box.  This object is identical to the
         "tooltip_items" configuration in Circvis.  Ex. { Chr : 'chr', Start : 'start', End : 'end'}.  Defaults to null

Defined in: vq.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Class Detail
{JSON Object} - Configuration object defined above.

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