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Class vq.utils.GoogleDSUtils

Provides a set of static functions for use in converting a google.visualization.DataTable object into a Protovis consumable JSON array. Intended to be used as a static class object to reserve a useful namespace. For the Circvis project, the fundamental data element is node JSON object consisting of: {chromosome, start, end, value, options} {string} chromosome {integer} start {integer} end {string} value {string} options
Defined in: vq.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Converts any DataTable object into an array of JSON objects, each object consisting of a single row in the DataTable.
Converts a special DataTable object into a network object used by CircVis.
Class Detail
Method Detail
<static> vq.utils.GoogleDSUtils.dataTableToArray(googleDataTable)
Converts any DataTable object into an array of JSON objects, each object consisting of a single row in the DataTable. The property label is obtained from the getColumnLabel() function of the google.visualiztion.DataTable class. Column types listed as a 'number' are passed in as numeric data. All other data types are passed in as strings. The returned JSON array conforms to the common input format of Protovis visualizations.
- google.visualizations.DataTable object returned by a google datasource query
data_array - JSON array.

<static> vq.utils.GoogleDSUtils.dataTableToNetworkArray(googleDataTable)
Converts a special DataTable object into a network object used by CircVis. For a DataTable with fields: chr1, start1, end1, value1, options1, chr2, start2, end2, value2, options2, linkValue the function returns an array of JSON objects consisting of two node JSON objects and a linkValue: {node1,node2,linkValue} The JSON array can then be passed into the NETWORK.DATA.data_array parameter used to configure Circvis.
- google.visualizations.DataTable object returned by a google datasource query
network_json_array - a JSON array representation of a Google Visualizations DataTable object. The column label is assigned as the property label

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