Linear Browser: Single Region Data Explorer
Select a chromosome from the list. The Linear Browser will update with proteomics data from the selected region.

Regions :

Focus : The upper region presents the data at a "zoomed in" level. The data can be presented in several different ways, including a bar plot, line plot, tiling, scatterplot, or line plot.

Context : The lower region presents the overall context of the datasets. It presents a simple view of each plot at the range of the entire region. The transparent red window denotes the range presented in the Focus region.

Data :

For each plot displayed, the data consists of and array of Feature objects, the same datatype as in other VisQuick tools. For each Feature JSON object, the required members are (chr,start,end,value,options).

Behavior :

When the cursor appears as a "crosshair" (when it is over an empty region of the plots), a rectangular region can be created by dragging horizontally. The focus window is then re-drawn at the selected region.

When cursor appears as a "hand" (when it is over a data feature in the Focus region), the feature may be clicked on. This enacts a behavior specific to the data as configured in the application. For example, in this demonstration the SwissProt data opens a link to UniProt, while the PeptideAtlas data opens a window containing additional PA data.

Configuration :

The plot is configured with a JSON object at the time of render. Optional display properties include padding, color, behavior, plot types, plot ranges and baselines, labels, and plot-specific parameters.